Fastest cars in GTA Online
There are many ways to spend virtual money in GTA Online. Buying cars is one of them. As the name of the game suggests, Grand Theft Auto encourages players to buy flashy, expensive, and fast cars. It is very important to have a fast car in GTA Online to complete missions and participate in races. In this post, we have listed the 15 fastest sports cars in the game.
Top 10 fastest cars in GTA Online
1. Grotti Vigilante
2. Declasse Scramjet
3. Pfister 811
4. Principe Deveste Eight
5. Bravado Banshee 900R
6. Overflod Entity XXR
7. Grotti X80 Proto
8. Progen Emerus
9. Benefactor Krieger
Originally published at on May 15, 2021.